Welcome to the Nicholson Water Authority Serving customers in Nicholson, GA and the surrounding areas |
We are currently on the Non drought water schedule Even number addresses may water on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Odd number addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. The state is recommending that you do not water between the hours of 10am and 4pm to prevent waste. |
Our disconnect policy is as follows: ANY ACCOUNT that is 60 days past due will be immediately disconnected. The service will not be reconnected until the past due balance and the $100.00 reconnection fee are paid in full. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS unless approved by the Board. This will require the consumer to fill out the necessary paperwork (before the account is 60 days past due), to speak at our monthly Board Meeting. The Board will then make the decision if your service is to be disconnected. If you are making payments on a leak, the disconnect policy does NOT apply as long as monthly payments are being made. HOWEVER, if you fail to make monthly payment and your account becomes 60 days delinquent, your account will then fall under the disconnect policy. |
Forms & Reports | Payment Options |
WATER SERVICE APPLICATION SERVICE RULES & REGULATIONS WATER RATES & FEE SCHEDULE WATER QUALITY REPORT SERVLINE INFORMATION | For your convenience we have a payment drop box located at the driveway entrance and beside the front door. We also take credit and debit card payments by phone. Log into your account to make a payment here. YOU CAN ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT, PAY YOUR BILL, AND SIGN UP FOR PAPERLESS BILLING ONLINE. If you do not have an account, click CREATE ACCOUNT to sign up. If you have any questions, please call the office for assistance. You can still use Paypal to pay your bill. Paypal payments are now a part of the Ampstun billing system. Please login to you account or create one with the link above. |
Board Members | Staff |
Board Chairman: Brock Wilson Vice Chairman: Allen Love Board Member: Roger Brock Board Member: John Ring Board Member: Robert Akin | System Operator: Jeremy Owensby System Technician: Austin Owensby Secretary/Treasurer: Tosha Gaddis Clerk: Marybeth Barrett |